
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

End of the Mayan era, 13 baktun 2012

On 12 March 830 AD, the country harbor the last great gathering of the four kings of the cities of the Maya world.
Its importance was such that even the rival cities of Tikal and Calakmul were represented. This occurred in the metropolis of Ceibal, in the current era of Peten, explains epigrapher-reading expert Antonio Cuxil glyphs.
On 21 December next year is another similar stage since the Mayan calendar ends or was 144,000 days each, approximately every 400 years, leading to a renewal in political, spiritual and weather among others.
At that time, Guatemala will be the center of that celebration, say representatives of the Committee 2012.
On this occasion, the country will launch a series of strategies to attract tourists, both local and foreign. The actions include the filing of a new route for 17 cities where Mayan stelae, or story that traces refer to or are linked to that date
The Maya legacy
Mayan Prophecy says that the Mayans were astronomers with advanced knowledge about the universe and could make their predictions of future times.
Timeship Earth 2013 prophecy of the Maya for 2012 is nothing more and nothing less than to his great account of: 1,872,000 days or tunes 5.200 5.125 years equivalent to solar.
This account begins in the year 3113 B.C. which is the "Gateway to MAKE Galactic Synchronization" and will end 2012 with the "Galactic Synchronization".
Now this great cycle consists, as stated in: 1,872,000 kin / day, 5.200 tunes of 360 kin / days each (slightly less than a year tun), 260 katun of 7,200 kin / days each (a little less that twenty-year katun), twenty thirteen Ahau katun cycles or 93.600 kin / days each (260) tunes or cycle about 256 years Ahau), thirteen baktun of 144,000 kin / days each (400 tunes or just over 394 years by baktun.) The unit is key here then is the BAKTUN, then 400 tunes = 20 katun = 1 baktun and amounts to little more than 394 permanent solar years (365.2422 days).
With this series of 13 baktuns represented by the 13 vertical columns of Maya Harmonic Module (Tzolkin), we can start building the Great cycle calendar, overlapping the period 3113 BC to 2012 A.D. It should be noted that the first baktun cycle is 0, the second is the baktun 1, etc.. which implies that a cycle is not counted until his term lasted, bone, until it ends.
The date of 21 December 20 112 AD ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely conjunction surrounded the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of Galactic Ecuador (Ecuador of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the sun), which those ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been ringing very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. Come to resolution at exactly 11:11 GMT.
While most people do not believe that will happen more than a few astronomical events (and apparently the Mayans were right about this, according to astronomers), some believe that the Mayan date could mark the end of civilization or perhaps the beginning a time of great tribulation.
The Maya beliefs were rather similar to that of the Aztecs, though with some important differences of emphasis. Several of his books have been preserved, showing his amazing knowledge and his fascination with astronomy. The most important of these was what is now called the "Dresden Codex", named after the town in whose library was saved.

This strange book, inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America, and the ruins of the once great civilization, were lying in ruins in the jungle. In 1880, a brilliant German scholar, who was working as a librarian in Dresden, at the time, turned his attention to this codex.
By a process of extraordinary detective work, the decoded code of the Mayan calendar, making it possible for other scholars and explorers to translate the many dated inscriptions to be found on buildings, stelae and other ancient Mayan artefacts.

He discovered that the Dresden Codex itself was concerned with astronomy providing detailed tables of lunar eclipses and other phenomena. These were so accurate that they put our own calendar to shame. He also found evidence for a curious "magic number" - 1,366,560 days, which can be decomposed into a number of ways, and which harmonized the cycles of Venus and Mars with two cycles "Annual", also used by the Maya. The sacred tzolkin of 260 days and the Haab of 365 days.
However, they found that another system of counting days on a start date, called the Birth of Venus and now known to be 13 August 31 144 BC This calendar was divided into "months" or uinals of twenty days, "years" or tuns of 360 days and longer periods of 7200 days (the Katun) and 144,000 days (baktun).
The number 13 was magically important to the Maya, and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of those long periods, or baktuns, the world would come to an end. This means that working from their date of departure to this was 13 August 3114 BC, this Mayan Prophecy points to a date for the end of the era, which is our own time: December 22, 2012 ...

The long count calendar consists of periods of time under different names.

Table of Long Count units

Days Long Count period Long Count period Approx solar years.
1 = 1 K'in
20 = 20 = 1 Winal 1/18th K'in
360 = 18 = 1 Tun 1 Winal
7.200 = 20 Tun = 1 K'atun 20
144.000 = 20 = 1 B'ak'tun K'atun 395

The Mayan name for a day was k'in. Twenty of these are known as k'ins winal (or uinal).

Eighteen winals or 360 k'in up a tun. Twenty tuns are known as a k'atun. Twenty k'atuns make a b'ak'tun. There are also four periods rarely used, higher order: piktun, kalabtun, k'inchiltun and alautun.
The Ancient Maya have prophesied that the world will end in Baktun 13 in its current calendar. This date translates to December 21, 2012 ...
(Mayan Prophecy of Doom Day, decoding the past. Original date which aired: 08/03/06).
The following is the list of start dates for the 131 Baktuns:

Long Count date proleptic Gregorian Calendar August 11, 3114 BCE November 13, 2720 BCE February 16, 2325 BCE May 21, 1931 BCE August 23, 1537 BCE November 26, 1143 BCE February 28, 748 BCE June 3, 354 BCE September 5, 41 CE December 9, 435 March 13, 830 June 15, 1224 September 18, 1618 December 21, 2012
Thus, the end of the 13th baktun will be coming fairly soon.

The Real Dresden Codex

It took some time to translate these scriptures.

Below, a picture of the current last page of the Dresden Codex (Kingsborough version). This is the page that suggests that the end of the world will be through a flood, and even massive flooding will occur, not until after 2012 that this will happen after the Great Tribulation.

Baktun 1. Baktun of the Pyramid 2718 - 2324 B.C.
Construction and Activation of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, the period 2700 - 2600 BC fixing points of the light body of the planet. Extension of the Sumerian civilization, Akkad and Ur and development of bronze. Early Harappan civilization in India. Top of settled agricultural life, China, Mesoamerica, the Andes.
Baktun 2. Wheel Baktun 2324 - 1930 B.C.
Full establishment of the wheel, initiation of transport technology and cyclical thought, written codes of law and metallurgical technology in Mesopotamia. Sargon and the first Babylonian empire. Home of the battles in tanks, territorial imperialism. Age of the legendary emperors in China. Establishment of Minoan civilization in Crete.
Baktun 3. Baktun of the Holy Mountain 1930 - 1536 B.C.
Middle and New Kingdom in Egypt, the relocation of the center to the Sacred Mountain of the West, Valley of the Kings, marks decision of Egyptians to perpetuate dynastic rule, consolidates pattern of defensive territorialism as norm for civilized life. Waves of invaders: Hittites, Aryans, destruction of Minoan civilization and Hindu.
Baktun 4. Baktun of the House of Shang 1536 - 1141 B.C.
Establishment of the Shang Dynasty in China, enunciation of the doctrine of yin / yang, advanced metallurgy of bronze and pattern of Chinese civilization. Early closure of civilization in India. Emergence of Chavin civilization in the Andes and Mesoamerica Olmec. Akhenaten, Egypt, Abraham and Moses, Israel; consolidation Hittite Mesopotamia.
Baktun 5. Baktun Imperial Seal or the I Ching 1141 - AC
Babylonian-Assyrian empires. Iron weapons and war machines. Emergence of the Mycenaean Greeks in the Mediterranean, site of Troy. Chou Dynasty in China, the emergence of the I Ching. Dissemination of the Olmec culture in Mesoamerica. Using horses for war, militaristic pattern of imperial rule and dynastic succession established as norm for civilized life on the planet.
Baktun 6. Baktun of the Teachings of the Mind or the Galactic Maya 747 to 353 BC
Period of the first wave of Galactic Maya in Mesoamerica. The Persian empire. Rise of philosophical individualistic thought supplanting earlier collective forms. Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle in Greece, six schools of Vedic thought, Mahavira and Buddha in India, Lao Tse, Confucius, Chuang Tzu in China. Construction of Monte Alban, Mexico, beginning of the Mayan calendar systems.
Baktun 7. Consecrated Baktun of 353 B.C. - 41 D.C.
Hellenistic civilization, Alexander the Great; rise of Rome, early Roman Empire, the Celts in Europe, advanced iron technology, consolidation of Warring States in China by Ch'in Huang Ti, the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Great Wall of China ; spread of Buddhism as a religion cosmopolitan India to Central Asia. Jesus Christ, Gnostic religions of the Middle East, dissemination of the Olmec and early Teotihuacan.
Baktun 8. Baktun of the Lords of Red and Black 41 to 435 DC
Completion of Pyramid Center of Teotihuacan Mesoamerican cultural consolidation of the regime, the Lords of Red and Black, first teachings of Quetzalcoatl, Moche, Nazca, and Tiahuanaco in the Andes, Easter Island, the emergence of the kingdoms of West Africa; boom and bust the Roman Empire, rise of Christianity, the fall of the Han Dynasty, spread of Buddhism in China, Southeast Asia.
Baktun 9. Baktun of the Maya from 435 to 830 A.D.
ita galactic Maya, Pacal Votan of Palenque and flourishing of Mayan cultural regime, Muhammad and the rise of Islam, Roman Christianity in Western Europe and the Byzantine Orthodox Christianity in Eastern Europe, the rise of Hinduism in Tibet, Korea, Japan, T'ang Dynasty in China, the emergence of kingdoms in Southeast Asia, Indonesia (Borobadur, Java); descent of Tiwanaku, Andes; polytheistic civilization, Oceania, early flourishing of Nigerian civilization.
Baktun 10. Baktun of the Holy Wars 830 - 1224 A.D.
Fall of Classic Maya civilization and Central Mexican, 1 Reed Quetzalcoatl and rise of the Toltecs, Chan Chan and the Chimú civilization in the Andes I'fe consecration in Nigeria, flourishing and spread of Islam and Christian civilization confrontation with the Crusades, rise of Tibetan civilization; Sung Dynasty in China, printing, gunpowder, Dinstía Khmer, Southeast Asia. Great Zimbabwe, East Africa.
Baktun 11. Baktun of the Hidden Seed 1224 - 1618 A.D.
Expansion of Islam to India, Central and Southeast Asia, West Africa, isolation of Tibet rise of the Turks, Mongols, conquest of China, Japan's isolation; emergence of Zimbabwe, East Africa, I'fe and Benin, West Africa; climax of Christian civilization, Western Europe and the emergence of the Russian Orthodox civilization, Eastern Europe, reform and division of the Christian Church spread and triumph of European civilization to conquer the Inca and Aztec empires, beginnings of European settlement , decline of sacred world view (hidden seed).
Baktun 12. Baktun Transformation of Matter 1618 - 2012 AD
Emergence and triumph of scientific materialism, world conquest by Europe, Industrial Revolution. Democratic revolutions in America and Europe, colonization of Africa, Latin America, Asia, Japan's industrialization, Karl Marx and the rise of communism, the communist revolutions of Russia, China, First and Second World Wars, the atomic bomb and the nuclear age, arising of Third World powers, Islam, Mexico and India, global terrorism and collapse of technological civilization, purification of the Earth and was the end of the overall regeneration; information age and crystal solar technology, galactic synchronization.
The date of 21 December 20 112 AD ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely conjunction surrounded the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of Galactic Ecuador (Ecuador of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the sun), which those ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been ringing very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. Come to resolution at exactly 11:11 GMT.
To be in Guatemala
Under the slogan "2012 Guatemala: Dawn of the Maya", a group composed of representatives of government and private initiative announced measures to prepare archaeological sites and establish the logistics for these routes.
"There will be tours of the Mayan route alive with art and food, others for ceremonial centers, and health and wellness tourism, and international conferences also adventurism" ad Maru Acevedo, the Chamber of Tourism.

how to write correctly 13 baktun in Mayan

Oxlajuj B'aqtun  

present a video showing part of a celebration in commemoration of Oxlajuj maya b'aqtun


By Nery Rojas